Just walking my mods
Just walking my mods

just walking my mods just walking my mods

Also makes the interaction available in more situations (unfortunately not for caregivers/parents from other households).ĪutonomousBoyGirlFriend ( MiscMods): Sims will auotonomously ask other sims to become their boyfriend/girlfriend.ĪutonomousEspressoBar ( GetTogetherMods): Sims will autonomously use the espresso bar on community lots (retail, park, museum, pool, library, artscenter, spa, chalet gardens) if a barista is present.ĪutonomousFirstKiss ( MiscMods): Self explaining.ĪutonomousShareBigNews ( MiscMods): Makes share big news an autonomous interaction. You can buy any fish you desire from those aquariums that can stock 6 fishes.ĪskToLeaveOverhaul ( MiscMods): Sims will be more polite when they ask other Sims to leave the lot. Sims will get to know the carreer of the other sims if the talk or complain about work.ĪncientJoyBlessing_clapdisabled ( JungleMods): Deactivates the neverending clapping that occurs when one of your Sims received the ancient joy blessing.ĪngryWalkstyleLater ( MiscMods): Sims will only use the angry walkstyle when they are very angry.ĪquariumTweaks ( MiscMods): Adds more choices to add fish to aquariums. The male parent can do the same.ĪmazingPromotion ( GetToWorkMods): Sims can congratulate others on their promotion, brag about their own promotion, talk or complain about work. AlwaysDetermineBabyGender ( GetToWorkMods): Determine baby gender is always available, not only for Sims in the Doctor Career.ĪmazingBirth ( GetToWorkMods): Sims that have recently given birth can enthuse about the event.

Just walking my mods